

Dongfang Minggui Media>Sell>Fasteners>Precision screw

Precision screw

The specific transaction price is subject to the contract agreement
  • CompanyDongguan Jiayu precision hardware Co., LTD
  • Brand-
  • Minimum-
  • Total Num-
  • RegionGuang Dong
  • Valid UntilLong Term Validity
  • Edittime2023-09-01 11:02
  • Hits27
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Dongguan Jiayu Precision Hardware Co., Ltd. is a set of design, research and development, manufacturing as one of the strength manufacturers. Specializing in the production and processing of stainless
Minimum -
Total Number -
Deadline From the Date of Buyer's Payment 3 Days of Delivery
Region Guang Dong
Valid Until Long Term Validity
Edittime 2023-09-01 11:02
Hits 27
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