
New energy vehicles drove export growth, and China ranked first in the world in auto exports in the

   2023-08-09 40
Tips:  Recently, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers released data show that in the first half of the year, China's automobile exports of 2.341 million units, an increase of 76.9%; Vehi


Recently, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers released data show that in the first half of the year, China's automobile exports of 2.341 million units, an increase of 76.9%; Vehicle exports amounted to 46.42 billion US dollars, an increase of 1.1 times year-on-year. Among them, the export volume of new energy vehicles accounted for about 25%, a total of 534,000 vehicles, an increase of 1.6 times year-on-year, and the growth rate of new energy vehicle exports is very obvious.

  China's auto exports have become the world's largest


China Automobile Association data show that in 2022, China exported 3.11 million cars in a year, surpassing Germany and becoming the world's second largest auto exporter after Japan. In the first half of 2023, auto exports reached 2.14 million units, an increase of 75.7% year-on-year, and the CAAM expects that the number will exceed 4 million units for the whole year.

By comparison, Japan exported 2.02 million vehicles in the first half of this year, up 17% from a year earlier, according to the Japan Association of Automobile Manufacturers. This is the first time that China has surpassed Japan in auto exports in the first half of the year. And this is also China's car exports after the first quarter again exceeded Japan.

  The export volume of new energy vehicles drove the growth


This year, it is the fast-growing new energy vehicles that are driving China's exports. The "lane change overtaking" of China's new energy vehicles gives Chinese car companies the opportunity to enter the base camp of traditional car companies like Germany. Europe and North America are becoming the two largest incremental markets for Chinese auto exports. One of the reasons for this is the lack of supply of new energy products in overseas markets; The second is the first-mover advantage of China's new energy vehicles by changing lanes.

Taking the European market as an example, driven by carbon reduction policies and consumer awareness of environmental protection, the demand for new energy vehicles in the European market is increasing, but statistics show that the number of products that European local car companies can release in the next 2-3 years is relatively limited, and demand may be greater than supply during this period.



From the export situation of various car companies, the top ten car brands in China's export volume are SAIC, Chery Automobile, Changan Automobile, Great Wall Automobile, Geely Automobile, Dongfeng Automobile, BYD Automobile, Beijing Automobile. Among them, nine car companies posted growth, and only one, Dongfeng Motor, saw a decline in exports. Saic remained the domestic export champion in the first half of this year, with overseas sales of 533,000 vehicles, up 40% from the same period last year, and on track to reach 1.2 million vehicles for the full year. Most of SAIC's export sales came from the MG, which sold 370,000 vehicles worldwide in the first half of the year.

Chery Group ranked second, with overseas sales of 399,000 vehicles in the first half. Changan Group sold 177,400 vehicles overseas in the first half of the year, ranking third, and its own brands sold 116,000 vehicles overseas. The fastest growing automaker was BYD, which grew 10.6 times year-on-year. Chery Automobile and Great Wall Motor also achieved double growth, export volume increased 1.7 times and 0.98 times, respectively.

In terms of the export of new energy models, Tesla, which positioned its Shanghai factory as an export base for Asia, exported more than 180,000 vehicles from China to overseas, and BYD, a large Chinese manufacturer, opened the "wild ride" mode after announcing the opening of the new energy passenger car strategy in May 2021, and exported 81,000 vehicles from January to June this year. The year-on-year increase was 10.6 times.

New forces actively layout to the sea, although criticized for not gaining a foothold on the sea enclosure, but in fact, the starting point of these enterprises is also to seize the window period. Krypton Automobile was founded two years to enter Europe, Krypton automobile CEO An Conghui believes that "the new energy transformation of the global traditional car companies is accelerating, leaving us a window of time may be fleeting, therefore, let China's new energy vehicles faster run around the world is not a vision but just need."

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