
The fastener industrial cluster in Haiyan County of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province was selected int

   2023-08-23 40
Tips:As one of the traditional pillar industries of the sea salt industry economy, the fastener industry has formed an obvious cluster effect after years of transformation and upgrading. A few days ago, th

As one of the traditional pillar industries of the sea salt industry economy, the fastener industry has formed an obvious cluster effect after years of transformation and upgrading. A few days ago, the provincial economy and Information Technology Department released the 2023 provincial small and medium-sized enterprise characteristic industrial cluster identification list, a total of 15 industrial clusters in the list, Haiyan County fastener industry cluster successfully selected.

It is reported that the characteristic cluster is located in the county area, guided by the new development concept, with small and medium-sized enterprises as the main body, leading industry focus, outstanding advantages and characteristics, resource elements convergence, digital transformation effect is obvious, high green development level, efficient collaboration network, perfect governance services, with strong core competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprise industrial clusters.

In recent years, Haiyan has focused on the characteristic advantages of fasteners, strengthened precise services, optimized the industrial structure of fasteners, and significantly improved the competitiveness of fastener enterprises. Has been identified as Zhejiang Province fastener industry demonstration base, Zhejiang Province's first batch of new industrial demonstration base to create pilot, metal products manufacturing industry and fastener industry transformation and upgrading provincial pilot.

A few days ago, in the production workshop of Yuxing Fastener (Jiaxing) Co., LTD., located in Haiyan Economic Development Zone (Xitangqiao Street), the reporter saw a full production of automation equipment. Thanks to the technological transformation of enterprises in recent years, workers can now obtain real-time data of production, packaging and other links through mobile phones and receive work instructions. "In the past, it was all paper statistics and the process was complicated and prone to errors. Now, from supplier management to order management, delivery management and financial management, the whole process has been digitized." "Said Shen Jiahua, the company's chairman.

It is understood that at the beginning of the establishment of Yuxing fasteners, due to the small scale and outdated equipment, the production of a nut requires 5 stations, and product quality and production efficiency are difficult to be improved. "Later, we gradually improved our production equipment, especially after obtaining the right to operate our own exports, and achieved a qualitative leap forward." Shen Jiahua introduced that with the continuous technological innovation and process improvement of Yuxing Fasteners, the company's products have been involved in high value-added fields such as wind power, automobiles and construction machinery, accounting for 60%.

The change of Yuxing is the epitome of the sea salt fastener industry. Pull the time back to more than 10 years ago, the number of Haiyan fastener enterprises, low industrial concentration, "low, scattered, chaotic" situation is obvious, has become a "pain point" restricting the development of the industry.

In 2010, Haiyan issued the "Notice on the issuance of the adjustment and revitalization plan of the Haiyan Fastener Industry", under the policy increase, the fastener industry ushered in rapid development. "The support of the policy has promoted the adjustment of the fastener industry and laid the foundation for the new vitality of the industry." County fastener industry chamber of commerce relevant person said.

In recent years, Haiyan has focused on the sustainable development of the fastener industry, resolutely removed the "low-end" chain of the industrial chain, and shut down and withdrew more than 500 "low scattered pollution" fastener enterprises. "Forcing enterprises to technological transformation or elimination, stimulate the internal power of enterprises, solve the development problems and bottlenecks of the fastener industry, such as low added value of enterprises, small industrial scale, and large environmental pollution, so that the Haiyan fastener industry can achieve 'reinvention'." County economy and information bureau responsible person said.

Today, driven by a number of leading enterprises, Haiyan fastener products have gradually turned to petrochemical, auto parts, high-speed rail and construction machinery and other industries, and the proportion of high-end fastener products continues to increase. At the same time, fasteners in nuclear power, aerospace, military and other fields have gradually become a new growth point of the sea salt fastener industry.

Relying on the strong foundation and service advantages, the "magnetic effect" of the Haiyan fastener industry is gradually emerging, attracting a number of "high-end chain" projects such as the domestic top 500 Zhongtian Group, the famous German fastener enterprise Wurth and the famous industry enterprise Zhejiang Zhongtuo New Materials, further enhancing the cluster advantage and expanding the industrial scale. Become a new engine for the high-quality development of the sea salt fastener industry.

In order to accelerate the promotion of the digitalization and intelligent transformation of the fastener industry, Haiyan has successively formulated and issued the "Haiyan County Fastener Industry Digital and intelligent Transformation three-year action Special Policy" and its detailed rules, etc., to further increase the proportion of subsidies, expand the scope of subsidies, reduce the subsidy threshold, and encourage more fastener enterprises to carry out transformation and upgrading. In 2020, 2021 and 2022, 3.588,600 yuan, 2.161,400 yuan and 2.103,900 yuan of special funds for the digitalization and intelligent transformation and upgrading of the fastener industry have been allocated respectively. The "Several Policy Opinions on Promoting the Digital Green Transformation of Manufacturing Industry in Haiyan County" issued this year will further promote the implementation of digital transformation and upgrading of fastener enterprises.

Source: Haiyan County People's Government

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